My first experience studying abroad has been both exceptionally special and remarkably challenging. Choosing the U of O Sports Product Management program exceeded my expectations and aligned perfectly with my aspirations. This program offers a distinctive educational opportunity, equipping students for careers in the sports product industry. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including product line management, product development, and product branding. These aspects have been particularly helpful in deepening my understanding of how to integrate product design with business strategies.
Before joining this program, I had a background in fashion design, which has allowed me to leverage my creative design ideas and integrate them seamlessly into the world of sports products.
With the wealth of knowledge I've gained, I got a chance to be a part of Nike, one of the largest companies in the sports industry. While I recognize that there is still much for me to learn and improve upon, this marks a fantastic beginning to my professional journey!
School Team 8: Team Sk8
Team Project: Skateboarding(Padding) Hoodie
Wearing protection makes new skateboards stand out at a time when they most want to fit in.